电商2.0/ 电商未来概念篇(二)
----social shopping
之前笔者的文章提到社会化电子商务业态Social commerce is the use of social media in the context of e-commerce。我们看到其涉及的内容涉及:1.用户的评论,产品推荐;2.社区,团组的交流;3.客户的管理;4.社交应用组件,社会化推广等方面。正如最近开心网发力社会化电商的应用
社会化购物social shopping 概念也很热,那么社会化购物和社会化电子商务有什么关系呢?social shopping的概念:Social Shopping is a method of e-commerce in which consumers shop in a social networking environment similar to MySpace. Using the wisdom of crowds, users communicate and aggregate information about products, prices, and deals. Many sites allow users to create custom shopping lists and share them with friends.
社会化购物模式是在社交媒体的环境下,应用大众的智慧,积累的信息和用户之间的交流来获得产品,价格和交易的相关信息。许多网站允许用户创建客户购物清单,并且可以在社交媒体中和朋友分享。例如夏天一个女孩买了某件漂亮的裙子,她可以将其购物的地址,购物款式,心得分享给好友。通过网站可以传递相关的信息,基于购物的交友模式也应用而生。充分挖掘social media平台的影响力。
开心网,天涯社区,新浪微博客等平台应该这么办呢?笔者唐兴通认为:访问量代表人流,人流代表产品流,产品流带来现金流。我们需要充分挖掘平台的商业价值。我们可以通过端口,或者组件应用,将微博客,SNS,BBS上的访问量,人流转化为订单。另外电商企业也可以将购物与SNS对接,与微博客连通,与BBS同步。我们看到国外社会化购物站点(Social shopping sites)通过以下操作获得相关的应用: websites use established online social networks and tools rather than trying to build their own. by implementing applications like Facebook Connect which allows users to ask their Facebook friends‘ opinions on purchases directly on the social shopping site. Others implement the Twitter API, allowing their users to share content through tweets. 简而言之即通过Facebook,Twitter的一些开放端口,组件来让用户,让购物信息可以更大范围的传播起来,和好友,粉丝去分享。通过客户的自发传播,带来连锁反应,裂变式的销售业绩。需要平衡企业互联网广告和网民举荐的传播节奏。有关淘江湖,天涯,新浪微博,开心网在电商方面可能存在的模式和已有的社会化购物设计,将另行探讨。
社会化购物站点(Social shopping sites)的收入来源不仅仅是来自广告,CPC,还可以通过和销售商的配合,为他们提供增值服务,提供购物数据统计报告,用户部分可公开的信息。这些站点要想获得商业价值,必须想尽办法刺激用户来参与到分享购物信息,让用户交流起来。比如Wishabi网站可以通过现金来刺激用户提交某些购物的数据,价格一类信息。更多的社会化购物站点时通过虚拟的货币,或者礼物来刺激用户的参与。国内的豆瓣图书推荐算法,结合朋友圈,兴趣圈读书,看碟的分享和评论直接对接当当,卓越网等购物站点合,不得不说这是一个很有营销力的社会化购物站点。
社会化电子商务(social commerce)和社会化购物(social shopping)不同之处: ‘social shopping‘, referring to social commerce as collaborative networks of online vendors, and social shopping as collaborative activity of online shoppers.
我们从两个概念的内涵外延可以得知:社会化电子商务是针对销售商而言,而社会化购物是从网购消费者的角度。两者的共同点是都充分的利用社会化媒体来达成既定的目的。那么企业怎么样给用户搭建社会化购物(social shopping)的平台呢?
In the future, the difference between social networks and corporate websites will be hard to distinguish.In terms of Levi’s deployment of Facebook social shopping, notes four components;
Awareness: Levi’s homepage indicates that it now has Facebook integration
Education: Video introducing how users can use ’social gestures’ (the Facebook ‘Like Button’ plugin) on the site to indicate products they like 利用社交媒-全球品牌网-体平台的我喜欢按钮来标示消费者的偏好。
Social Gestures: On product pages, the Facebook Like Button appears next to the product and Levi’s viewers to be the “First of your friends” to like it.
2. Levis比较狠的一招:对社交媒体的数据进行智能处理,向用户提供你的好友喜欢什么产品,或者他们建议朋友们购买的产品信息。数据一直是宝藏。
Social Commerce: Using the aggregated Facebook data, Levi’s creates a personalized Friend Store based on what your friends like and have suggested you’ll like, hoping to increase up-sell.
3.Levis将social shopping和企业的信息系统,服务程序对接,比如sCRM (social CRM),确实social media下CRM,ERP也迈向SCRM,SERP.真是一场social media狂欢。不过如何将这些系统的数据流进行整合是一个很大的挑战。
the new Levi’s social shopping model could be useful beyond e-commerce; in-store with a mobile barcode reader, and for the potential of celebrity social gestures (‘likes’) to be hugely influential. A significant opportunity, he argues, is to integrate Facebook social plugins into sCRM (social CRM) systems to enable more compelling personalized up-sell cross-sell recommendations – but cautions social vendors (e.g. Bazaarvoice, Pluck, Kickapps) to think though privacy issues, especially when their is no login wall.
4.企业经营的过程优化,比如通过social gestures来指导新产品开发,管理企业生产规模,供应链等多方面。
the really big opportunity is to use social gestures to manage inventory and as a source of consumer insight.
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