奥巴马写给女儿的公开信:停止在做的17件事 (2014/4/21 22:47:07)
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Life is short. It may feel like it takes forever sometimes, but the reality is that you live, and a short time later, you die. It happens so quickly, many people don’t even realize they had a life until it’s already over.
1.Stop Doubting Yourself
If you don’t believe in yourself, nobody will. Success starts in your mind, and if all you’re doing is putting yourself down and predicting failure, it’ll become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Instead of doubting yourself, think positively. Not only will you be happier and more successful, you’ll spread it to everyone around you.
2.Stop Being Negative
Now that you’re done doubting yourself, stop doubting others. You don’t like when people are critical of you, so stop being critical of others. Think about how you make other people feel – even if you have good intentions, people don’t like hearing negativity.
3.Stop Procrastinating
I don’t feel like procrastinating right now – I’ll do it tomorrow. When you procrastinate, you remain stagnant. Whatever you’re putting off doesn’t go away; resolve the problem, and move on. You’ll be much happier in the long run.
4.Stop Being Mean
It’s completely possible to step on someone’s toes without meaning to – it happens all the time. There’s no need to pile on by purposefully doing mean things, so make a conscious effort to stop being mean. If someone wrongs you, let it go. There’s no need to seek vengeance unless that’s the type of person you want to be.
5.Stop Eating Out
Eating out is the biggest waste of money. Every so often it’s nice to treat yourself, but eating out for every meal is the quickest way to drain your bank account. Learn how to cook at least a handful of foods you enjoy: It’ll save you money, keep you healthier, and occasionally impress people.
6.Stop Being Lazy
Lazy people are annoying – it’s like pulling teeth getting them to do anything. If I can’t do something as simple as going to a movie with you without having to factor in an hour of convincing you to get your lazy butt out of bed, I’d rather go alone. People have enough trouble motivating themselves; don’t make your friends and family waste their valuable energy motivating you as well.
7.Stop Complaining
We all have problems, and sometimes we need to vent to someone. That’s acceptable, but pay attention to how often you’re venting. We all love helping our friends and family, but when all you get from someone is negativity, it’s easier to cut them off than help, especially if they’re always complaining about the same things.
8.Stop Being Selfish
If you only think about yourself, you’ll soon find yourself by yourself. Stop for a minute and think about how your actions affect other people – did you take the last cup of coffee from the break room? Refill it! Do you live with others? Don’t drink out the milk carton. We share this world 100% of the time, so every action you take can affect other people.
9.Stop Wasting Time
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: time is the most valuable resource we have. Don’t waste your time on unproductive things. If you want to explore the world’s dark corners, that’s great. I still associate with people who have not-so-kosher careers, but I don’t hang out with those people at the expense of my own short- and long-term goals.
10.Stop Making Promises
Always under-promise and over-deliver. When you make a promise, you’re adding responsibility to your plate that, despite all your best intentions, you may not be able to deliver on. More often than not, your promise is an absolute (i.e “I promise I’ll always love you”), and only Sith deal in absolutes. Instead of making a promise with your words, simply be there when people need you, and exceed their expectations with your actions.
11.Stop Being a Pushover
We live in a capitalistic society in which everyone’s trying to sell us something. Everyone’s looking out for themselves in one way or another, and you need to do the same. Stop putting yourself out because you’re too shy to say no.
12.Stop Listening to Haters
No matter what you want to do in life, there’s always someone around to tell you why it can’t and won’t work. I can come up with millions of reasons Twitter won’t work, and yet it’s one of the most popular social media sites on the web. My opinion didn’t stop Twitter’s success any more than it convinced Kobe Bryant to quit the NBA or Josh Hartnett to stop acting. Why would you let someone’s opinion stop you?
13.Stop Being Wasteful
You don’t finish your meals, and away food instead. You leave the faucet running when you brush your teeth, pouring precious water down the drain. You drive places you could easily walk, burning gasoline (a non-renewable resource)。 You are wasteful, and it needs to stop.
14.Stop Littering
The only thing I hate more than wasteful people are litterbugs. Litterbugs are my least favorite bug, and there are more than you’d think. If you’ve ever thrown even one piece of gum, paper, candy wrapper, cigarette butt, etc on the ground, you’re a disgusting litterbug, and you should be ashamed of yourself. There are over 7 billion people in the world – if each person only throws one “innocent” piece of garbage on the ground, that’s 7 billion pieces of garbage littering a world in which nobody “did it”。
Your one decision makes a HUGE difference, and I will not allow you to blow it off and walk around with your head held high. You’re a litterbug, and it needs to stop immediately. You don’t get a lifehack for this one, you filthy animal. Just stop – you already know how.
15.Stop Taking Everything Personally
People get offended about the strangest things. Take Kendrick Lamar’s now-infamous verse on “Control” this summer: he called out a list of a dozen rappers he thinks he’s better than (and he’s right)。 The internet went crazy, and rappers all over the industry rushed to their mics to record a response. The thing is, all K-Dot said is he’s the best rapper. Everyone took it personally, and that’s exactly what he was going for. The lesson to learn from this is that not everything is about you, and if you’re easily upset, someone will use that to their advantage.
人们会因为一些奇怪的事情感到被侵犯。就拿Kendrick Lamar这个夏天备受争议的歌曲《Control》为例:他在歌词中挑衅了一些他认为比他弱的说唱歌手(的确是这样),一石激起千层浪,整个说唱界的歌手都蜂拥录歌作为回击。重点在于,所有的人都认为自己是最好的说唱者,每个人都更看重自己,这就是他的目的所在。这件事教给我们的无非就是不是所有的事都要围着你转,如果你是玻璃心,有人会利用这一点。
16.Stop Talking
Sometimes it’s best to just STFU – especially in relationships. I can’t even count how many times I created an issue that didn’t need to be an issue simply because I opened my mouth. Even if what you want to say is important, just shut up and ride it out. You can say more with your actions than words, and you can’t listen when you’re talking.
17.Just Stop, and Breathe…
No matter what you’re doing in life or how your day is going, there’s always room to just stop for a moment and just breathe. Try it right now to celebrate getting through this list of everything you’re doing wrong.


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    首席顾问: 汪成业 先生,资深营销与品牌管理专家、海峡都市报品牌专家顾问、泉州市名牌研究会品牌专家、中国企业家世纪论坛福 建区(主席)、中国品牌总网(董事局主席)、被誉为企业品牌系统管理第一人、资深培训师与高级会计师、IMU 国际职业经理人、全国优秀 经、管理人才、泉州市电子商务协会(会长)。经过MBA工商管理中心及十多年中大型企业一线的实战,取得了出色的业绩、并积累了丰富的营 销与企业品牌运营管理经验,帮助数十家传统企业成功升级转型并曾有过将濒临倒闭的企业起死回生的经历。多次受政府、媒体与业界邀请参 加并作为各种营销、品牌管理及企业创新发展的专家评委及专题报告或主题演讲。 拥有一流的品牌诊断技术和营销系统及品牌管理资源的整合策划能力与实际推动能力。可为企业全面系统地提供有效的品牌诊断,市场 定位、产品定位、消费者定位、品牌定位,根据行业特点与未来发展趋势帮助企业确立营销与品牌发展模式,既具有极高的营销实战指导价值 ,又有丰富的实际市场带动、业务带动与品牌执行成效;能够将国际上先进的品牌经营管理理念与企业实际品牌运作情况有机结合起来,制定 企业运营与品牌管理的体制模式、机制体系、组织制度、品牌化系统与企业文化建设、内控制度、生产管理、财务管理、成本控制、人力资源 管理开发等方略;通过品牌整合器把环境、人、信息、流程、制度、价值文化等有机地结合起来,导入公司品牌个性化管理,造就企业品牌生 命活力,摧化企业突破发展瓶颈,打造百年老企。